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Virtual Recruiting in 2024 – Is it justified for all Positions?

Virtual recruiting is not a new phenomenon; it has been in use for a couple of decades. Since 1992, when the very first job board was launched, technological advancements have continually enhanced the practice of virtual recruiting. Today, recruiters can leverage fully online and AI-powered tools to manage the entire recruitment process, from sourcing and screening candidates to conducting interviews and making final decisions. For many companies, virtual recruiting has become the norm, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic, when organisations had to quickly adapt to ensure the safety of their employees and candidates.

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The Impact of Career Indecisivness

Career indecisiveness refers to the difficulty in making decisions related to one's career path. This can be caused by various factors, including lack of information, fear of making the wrong choice, and internal conflicts. It is important to understand that career indecisiveness is not simply a lack of decision; it is often a complex issue that can have far-reaching consequences. 
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